
April 24, 2014

Spread Positivity {giveaway}

Photo via Pinterest

I've been wanting to do this giveaway for quite sometime now, and I'm excited it's finally happening! Over the past semester, I've met some of the most negative people. I understand being frustrated and sometimes having negative thoughts, but this semester of grad school has shown me just how many people live their lives being negative, thinking negative thoughts, and ultimately having negative outcomes.

When I encounter these people, I let them know the importance of staying positive, despite the situation. A positive mindset and speaking positively (and surrounding yourself with positive people!!) is so important. I've really found this to be true as I work on business ventures and school work.

So, I'm giving away THREE gift cards for three of my favorite places to THREE different people! 

Entering is easy:
Follow the steps on the Rafflecopter widget to earn more chances to win, the only mandatory entry is to leave a comment sharing something that you will think positively about -- your friendships, your school work, your marriage, your finances, yourself, your future, etc.

And be sure to share the giveaway with others using #SpreadPositivity

I hope you have a great day, and good luck! :)


  1. I think I'm a pretty positive and laid-back person. I think I could be less negative about doing dishes and cleaning the bathroom. :)

  2. Cool!

    I understand what you mean by starting the day off with positive thoughts. I try to maintain zen and sometimes I do allow surrounding negativity to bother me, but I do at least try to rise above it.

  3. I'm a pretty positive person already but there are times when negative thoughts pop into my head especially about future goals I wanna pursue. I'm learning to trust the journey and be positive about where it's gonna take me.

    Awesome giveaway hun!

    Eesh | The Other Side of Paradise

  4. I'm thinking positively about my school work because I finally changed my major to something that I love!!

  5. I'm going to be more positive about my writing. If I don't change my attitude I'll never let anyone else read my novel. I used to be that negative person and I'm so glad that it's not me anymore. It's just a terrible way to live life.

  6. This is so sweet of you to do! It can be so difficult to stay positive when surrounded by negative people, and that gets so frustrating. In the past, I was pretty negative about life, but as I've gotten older I've realized that it's better to not let the little stuff get to you.

  7. I'm going to be more positive about life in general. When I wake up I will roll over and smile and that will greatly influence how i spend the rest of my day.

  8. I try to always think positively about my health and the well-being of my family and friends. I believe the way you think manifests so positive thinking always wins!!! Great giveaway topic!

  9. I am going to be more positive about my future and health.

    Brandi (Currently under construction)

  10. This is such a great giveaway! Thank you Vett :) I will try to be more positive about school even when I have assignments and things I don't necessarily enjoy :)


  11. Perpetually negative people are such a big pet peeve of mine! We must have that in common :) My goal is to be more positive about my job. Some days I get frustrated because I feel overworked and underpaid, but at the end of the day, I've got to remind myself to be positive and thankful that I have a job :)

    XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass

  12. I'm going to be more positive about my job, and to be thankful that I can afford my expenses and wants.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. my future definitely! I always get so stressed but I know it will all work out in the end :-)

  15. I'm going to work on being more positive about my health and fitness. I'm working on it, but it is a struggle for me to enjoy working out. I just need to have a more positive approach and hopefully things will improve. Thanks for the giveaway!!

  16. I'm going to be more positive about the FUTURE post-grad!

  17. Negative people just suck the life out of me. I've recently been trying to be more positive myself, things are always better when you look on the bright side of life. We all have something to be grateful for.

  18. I love that quote Vett, I try to write in my gratitude journal in the morning, so that I do have a positive thought.. is can change things. :) Thank you for your comment... have a great day :)

  19. I want to be more positive in general right now! I've been complaining about school work, my internship,the job hunt, etc. But, I need to be more positive about all of the amazing opportunities I've been given! I should be grateful that I had the opportunity to get a good education.

  20. I like to be more positive than negative

  21. I'm going to be more positive about my job and quit my whining because I'm lucky to have one!

  22. Im going to be more positive about the ppl around me. No more gossiping or talking about ppl behind their backs especially over something silly that doesnt really matter.

  23. amen sister! spread the blessings positivity and love! entering ur awesome giveaway now :)

    XO Meghan
    citrus fashion

  24. I'm going to be more positive about my job and try to complain less about it!

    The Tiny Heart
    Starbucks Giveaway!

  25. I'm going to be more positive about everyday life happenings!

  26. I am going to be more positive about my future.

  27. more positive about my skin... I know, that sounds odd. I struggle with eczema and acne on a daily basis. It's not horrendous, but irritating and consumes so much of my thoughts! I need to learn to cope better with it.

  28. About my relationship with my dad!

  29. I am going to be more positive about my love life!!

    rafflecopter sents saver

  30. Im going to be more positive about getting school work done! I cant wait to graduate college already..

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I am going to be more positive about ME and my wonderfully blessed life! So many times I put way too much focus on what I think is bad when in reality I am truly super blessed!!

  33. I am going to be more positive about others. I am going to start trusting and believing in the good in people more often than I do now. I am also going to start getting out and enjoying each and every second of life!

  34. I'm going to be more positive about the way I view myself.

  35. I want to be more positive about my career aspirations. Thanks for the chance to win xx

  36. I'm going to be more positive about myself. I tend to only focus on the negative aspects about myself and I want to stop doing that.

  37. Totally understand what you mean, it can be difficult with negative co-wokers in the workplace. Spreading the positive around is the best way to combat this!

  38. I'm already a pretty positive person (or at least I TRY to be). I think I'm going to try to smile more at strangers though.

  39. I want to be more positive about my body image

  40. Birds of a feather flock together! The negative people will flock with the negative birds and positive people will flock with the positivie birds :) Thank you Kia!


I read every single comment and email and respond to all questions! Be sure to follow via GFC, Bloglovin, and social media so you keep up with posts & giveaways! :)