
January 05, 2014

1 Twitter account is better than 2?

New year, new…Twitter handle? I've been debating consolidating my social media for a while now. I know that some bloggers have separate Twitter and Instagram accounts for their blog and personal life. That used to be me! But then, handling two accounts became way too much to handle.

I was neglecting my personal accounts because the blog account has been so demanding. I'm also planning to use my newly merged account for my new communications consulting business. This new account has a whole new look, combining all aspects of my life and I love it!

I'm definitely a private person, so this was a difficult decision to make. But I hope that only people who are interested in what I share will follow my *new* (combined) Twitter account. With open and public accounts comes negativity and vulnerability. Pretty much every celeb account/largely followed account on Twitter or Instagram receives hateful and crazy comments. Not interested in that lifestyle. 100K followers is not worth my sanity and peace of mind. I think it helps that I'm only following my friends and some blogger friends. So far, it's been great having my social media all under my name.

You can now follow me at:
Twitter: @VettVandiver
Instagram: @vettvandiver

What do you think about this? Should bloggers have separate social media accounts or just one?

Leave a comment with your thoughts!


  1. Ohh, I've struggled with the same thing. Hootsuite has really helped me

  2. I think you should do what works best for you! I only have one Instagram and one Twitter. I don't really mind who follows me on Twitter, because I don't write anything I wouldn't want people knowing about. My Instagram is private and I pick and choose who I allow to follow it. My blog isn't really a big deal though, so I've never considered two accounts.

    Anyway, thank you for stopping by my blog <3. I've enjoyed reading through yours and might I add you are gorgeous!

  3. I do the same! One for the blog and other for marketing and profesional profile, is the best, professional of marketing people maybe aren't interested in fashion...


  4. I think you have the right idea and I'm sure you won't attract crazy/hateful comments. You're too Vett for that :) Lol, anyway congrats on moving forward through social media! Maybe one day I'll do an instagram or twitter, we shall see... :)

    The Indie Byline

  5. I only have one of each account, I couldn't imagine trying to maintain two of them... :)

  6. This time about a year ago, I struggled with this same thing. I decided to just get everything together because essentially my blog is me too. It keeps everything so much easier, plus non bloggers might be interested to read your blog because of it!


  7. I keep my blog more or less anonymous. Since I'm a lawyer I don't want potential clients or employers finding my blog and seeing my OOTDs and reading about my cooking exploits before they see how serious I can be. So, I have separate accounts for me and blog things.

  8. ah Im considering making a new twitter for my blog but it seems abit long now, so i'll just keep my personal one. :-)

  9. I also like to keep my blog anonymous, at least at the beginning.
    I think you're right and it is not neccessary to share EVERYTHING, 'cause everyone has the right for a privat life and other peoble are not (almost not; ) interrsting in every single detail of your life

  10. At one time I planned to use my blog handle JUST for bloggy stuff, and then I started tweeting more and more "me" stuff--not necessarily personal stuff, but just not blog-related--and now I just use the one for everything. Much simpler, and I really think readers like to see the person behind the handle, not just a bunch of bloggy chat.

  11. Because I haven't exposed my blog to people I know (except a few), I don't ever post blog stuff on social media. Hopefully I'll get to the point of being comfortable enough to do that!

  12. I have a separate account but I could definitely see how in the future I would want to merge them into one account. I'm excited to follow you on Instagram!

  13. I believe the bigger your blog is thats when its time to divide your time and attention! I tried doing too IG's and i was spending more time with one then the other so everything is combined now! i love your blog! giveaway going on now!

  14. My twitter is basically my life and my brand. I don't really post anything off the wall anymore, so they are pretty much aligned. As far as IG goes, I keep it private. I'm always taking photos of myself, my family, places I go, etc There are so many creeps and thieves in the world, sadly but surely, and I just like to keep that space intimate. It is really hard to keep up with multiple accounts but I can understand the need for two. I'm following you on Twitter , I do believe and If i'm not I will do so! @ChymereAnais


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